Where Have I Been?

This has been a tough few months.

The fracture in my femur didn't really heal entirely, and I have a torn meniscus that my knee doctor didn't tell me about. Trying to deal with that on my own hasn't been successful, and instead, it has thrown a lot of stress onto my hip. The result? I'm going to get a new knee.

But before that, I'm having surgery on my lumbar, a laminectomy and a medial facetectomy, all to relieve the pressure on my spinal cord so I don't go numb in my legs anymore. 

My hope is that all of this will get me back on my feet and walking again, exercising again, moving again.

In between all of this planning, my oncologist called to say I had a nodule in my thyroid that required a biopsy. That weighed on me like neither of the other issues, but I thank God the results came back negative.

So all of my mental efforts are going toward the upcoming surgeries. I'm keeping myself distracted by monitoring the live updates on the hush-money trial, a misnomer given it's actually election interference.

Meanwhile, despite saying I'm not even going to think about writing until all this is done, I've been having more and more ideas for book 5 in the Twins series.

And did I show you my incredible wolf statue from the Tell-Tale Steampunk Festival? My story, "The Night of the Howling Wind" features my Twins of Bellesfées, along with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's grandfather William Foley in a mystery of murder on the Night of the Big Wind, or Oiche na Gaoithe Moire in Irish, an historical event of January 6, 1839, wherein a sudden drop in barometric pressure brought in a hurricane to flatten all of Ireland.

This is Angélique! Notice the bloody dress at her feet? Murder most feral!


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