The Process So Far

 I received a note this week about the progress of my manuscript for Esprit de Corpse. The Kickstarter campaign to fund its publication will be held sometime in the late spring / early summer--I'm guessing that means June. Once the campaign goals are met, the process of publication begins.

Actually, that's not quite true. The process has already begun. The publisher sent it out to two copy editors already, and then the publisher gets a final look at it and formats it for print--what used to be called typesetting back in the days when individual letters (type) were set on racks for printing pages en masse.

The publisher then sends that file, called a galley, to me, and I review the edit and make any changes that are needed.

That's as much as I know so far. Can you tell this is my first rodeo?

I know I'm in good hands. eSpec Books has a great track record of genre literature with authors I greatly admire. I am so thrilled they accepted my manuscript and my plans for a series. Danielle Ackley-McPhail has been in the business of writing and publishing for as long as I can remember going to cons and seeing her sell dozens of titles, "horns," and GINGER KICK! I really feel honored to work with her. If you haven't done it yet, Follow eSpec Books, Follow Danielle, and Follow Paper Phoenix on Twitter. Find them on Facebook too. If you're a spec-fic or Military SF reader, you're bound to find something to love, from bad-ass roller derby and biker fairies to Footprints in the Stars. And of course, STEAMPUNK!


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