A Bit More Plotting and Plodding

 I've been plodding along on Book 4, previously called Wails' Tales, sort of meandering around London trying to find a plot before I take off for Wales. I realized that I have another story to write BEFORE I get to Wales and the Rebecca Riots. 

So, Book 4 will now be the tale of smuggled tainted opium that turns people into bone-eating zombies.

The title should be obvious, so I'm not going to put it here.

Now that I've found a raison d’être, ideas are beginning to flow. I'm hoping to be able to hit a stride soon. I've been spending so much time in front of a screen blathering about, then curling up in a fetal ball on the couch, that it's been nothing but torture trying to write. Now, I hope I can get moving again.

So it's pirates, opium, Chinese brides, zombies, and a submersible in the Thames. Here's hoping I can pull it together!


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